The purpose of the baseline evaluation is to assess the entry level project conditions in order to provide a baseline against which the project’s progress can be measured and evaluated. The specific objectives of the evaluation are to obtain baseline evidence on the project’s log frame indicators, including measures such as:
human loss from natural disasters and economic damages including food security from multi-hazards (2017);
the number and nature of proposals submitted to Climate Funds, the amount of funds accessed/disbursed from successful funding applications, and the work performed/projects undertaken from the funding (2017); and
the number of trained technical officers with knowledge and skills sets to contribute to evidence based decisions.
The purpose of the baseline evaluation is to also validate the project’s theory of change; the adequacy of the log frame, including the adequacy of the indicators, performance measures, means of verification and underlying assumptions; and the project’s implementation strategy.
More information can be found in the terms of references (Annex 1) accessible here:
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