Discussions des Standards SEVAL
- d4_beywl_speer_2004_developing (PDF 3 MB)
BEYWL, Wolfgang and SPEER, Sandra (2004): Developing standards to evaluate vocational education and impact research. In: DESCY, P. and TESSARING, M. (eds.): The foundations of evaluation and impact research. Third report on vocational training research in Europe: background report. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Cedefop Reference series, 3040).
- d1_Barbier_Perret_2000_Ethical (PDF 84 KB)
BARBIER, Jean-Claude and PERRET, Bernard (2000): Ethical Guidelines, Process and Product Quality Standards, What for? Paper presented at he European Evaluation Society Conference, Lausanne, October 12th-14th 2000.
- d3_beywl_2004_role (PDF 159 KB)
BEYWL, Wolfgang (2004): The role of evaluation in democracy – Can it be strengthened by evaluation standards? Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the European Evaluation Society in Berlin, Germany, 30 September – 2 October 2004.
- d2_beywl_2001_Konfliktfähigkeit (PDF 137 KB)
BEYWL, Wolfgang (2001): Konfliktfähigkeit der Evaluation und die „Standards für Evaluationen“. Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis (SUB), 2001/2: 151-164.
- d11_picciotto_2005_value (PDF 1 MB)
PICCIOTTO: Robert (2005): The Value of Evaluation Standards: A Comparative Assessment. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation 3, 30-59.
- d5_beywl_taut_200o_standards (PDF 79 KB)
BEYWL, Wolfgang und TAUT, Sandy (2000): Standards: Aktuelle Strategie zur Qualitätsentwicklung in der Evaluation. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 69(3), 358-370.
- d8_landert_2004_funktion (PDF 144 KB)
LANDERT, Charles (2004): Funktion und Dimensionen von Evaluationsstandards im Bildungsbereich. Zürich: Landert Farago Partner.
- d9_laeubliloud_2003_setting (PDF 220 KB)
LÄUBLI LOUD, Marlène M. (2003): Setting Standards and Providing Guidelines – The Means Towards What End? Paper presented at the 5th European Conference on Evaluation of the Structural Funds "Challenges for Evaluation in an Enlarged Europe", Budapest 26/27 June 2003.
- d10_laeubliloud_2004_setting (PDF 85 KB)
LÄUBLI LOUD, Marlène M. (2004): Setting Standards and Providing Guidelines – The Means Toward What End? Evaluation 10(2), 237-245.
- d12_russon_2000_program (PDF 547 KB)
RUSSON, Craig (2000) (ed.): The Program Evaluation Standards in International Settings. The Evaluation Center Occasional Papers Series. May, 2000.
- d15_simon_2003_datenschutz (PDF 21 KB)
SIMON, Christian (2003): Datenschutz und SEVAL-Standards. Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technologiestudien (CEST).
- d17_ueber_2004_merit (PDF 298 KB)
UEBER, Kay (2004): What is the Merit of the "Evaluation Standards"? Paper presented at the European Evaluation Society Sixth Conference, Berlin, September 30 – October 2, 2004.
- d18_widmer_2002_standards (PDF 92 KB)
WIDMER, Thomas (2002): Evaluations Standards the Context of Sustainability. Paper presented at the EASY-ECO Conference, Vienna, May 23th -25th 2002.
- d6_kloeti_1997_anforderungen (PDF 3 MB)
KLÖTI, Ulrich (1997): Inhaltliche und methodische Anforderungen an wissenschaftliche Politikevaluationen. In: BUSSMANN, Werner, KLÖTI, Ulrich und KNOEPFEL, Peter (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Politikevaluation. Basel/Frankfurt a.M.: Helbing & Lichtenhahn. 39-57.