Congress SEVAL 2020
The 2020 annual congress of the SEVAL will take place in Fribourg from 3-4 September 2020. Theme: Participation in Evaluation: Illusion or Necessity? More information here
The 2020 annual congress of the SEVAL will take place in Fribourg from 3-4 September 2020. Theme: Participation in Evaluation: Illusion or Necessity? More information here
More information in German or French
En 2025, nous fêterons les 10 ans du GREVAL. Pour marquer cet anniversaire, notre conférence biennale aura lieu sur une journée entière avec un programme adapté à la fois aux personnes découvrant l’évaluation et à celles qui souhaitent parfaire leurs connaissances et échanger avec d’autres passionné·es. La thématique qui nous réunira est celle de l’utilité …
We are excited to announce that the 5th APEA Conference will be held as an in-person event in 2025! The conference will be hosted by Asia Pacific Evaluation Association and the Japan Evaluation Society, in collaboration with the Center for Evaluation (CEval) at Saarland University, Germany, this landmark gathering will bring together experts, practitioners, and …
Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) is Fondation Botnar‘s flagship initiative to create cities fit for young people. Adolescents are at the heart of HCA’s mission. Their active participation is vital for achieving sustainable and equitable urban development. HCA focuses on intermediary cities – rapidly growing urban areas that present specific challenges for healthy, sustainable and …