The Swiss Evaluation Society, SEVAL, was founded in 1996 to encourage dialogue and the exchange of information and experience about evaluation between politics, public administration, universities and consulting firms and to promote the quality and dissemination of evaluations.

The SEVAL now has some 450 members from all parts of the country. Members come from state universities (including the universities of applied sciences), private sector institutions (such as research offices) and the political and administrative sector (at all levels of the Confederation, i.e. the municipalities, cantons and universities).


  • Annual conference and methodological workshops
  • Study days on a dedicated topic
  • Working groups dealing with specific, evaluation-related topics
  • SEVAL (Research) Prize


  • Development and updating of SEVAL quality standards
  • Definition of the essential competencies (evaluators, evaluation managers – those managing evaluations on behalf of commissioners)
  • Database of evaluators
  • Database of evaluation training courses on offer
  • Postings on Requests for Proposals / Calls for Tender
  • Continuing education courses on offer
  • Members’ information (SEVAL-Newsletter and SEVAL-Flash)
  • LeGes Journal – Legislation and Evaluation
  • Etc.
Laurent Crémieux

Laurent Crémieux

Président de la SEVAL et membre du Jury Bourse, Ressort Media, RFE et Newsletter
Contrôle fédéral des finances
Monbijoustrasse 45
3003 Berne
T 058 463 11 12
Mélanie Attinger

Mélanie Attinger

Vorstandmitglied, Ressort Veranstaltungen und Kongresse
Office fédéral des transports
Mühlestr. 6
3003 Berne
T 032 325 18 80
Marion Baud-Lavigne

Marion Baud-Lavigne

Membre du comité, Ressort Prix SEVAL et Groupes de travail
Contrôle parlementaire de l'administration CPA
Services du Parlement
3003 Berne
T 058 322 90 46
Hanja Blendin

Hanja Blendin

Vorstandmitglied, Ressort Finanzen
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Pfingstweidstr. 96
8031 Zürich
T +41 43 446 22 13
Cornelia Hänsli Marrei

Cornelia Hänsli Marrei

Membre du comité, Ressort Greval
Habilis Conseil S.A.
Rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon 30
1003 Lausanne
T 021 905 52 80
Kurzportrait (PDF 557 KB)
Claudia Peter

Claudia Peter

Vorstandmitglied, Ressort Evaluationsnetzwerke
Ecoplan AG
Monbijoustr. 14
3011 Bern
T 031 356 61 61
Julia Rickenbacher

Julia Rickenbacher

Stanford University
Himmelrichstrasse 12
6340 Baar
T +41792359991
Christian Rüefli

Christian Rüefli

Vorstandmitglied, Ressort LeGes
Büro Vatter, Politikanalyse
Gerberngasse 27
3011 Bern
T +41 (0)31 312 65 75
Kurzportrait (PDF 113 KB)
Stefan Sperlich

Stefan Sperlich

Vorstandmitglied, Ressort Forschung und Kontakte zur Wissenschaft
Universität Genf
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
1211 Genf
T +41 223798223

For more information